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For Sale

Available at Hunter's Woodcraft 'From the Old Oak School'
20030 N US Highway 441 in McIntosh, Fl. Map
Open Friday & Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 12noon-5pm
Some delivery available. Call 352-591-4760
Remember, If you like these,
Robyn will make one with your family treasures.

Click on each picture to enlarge

quilted footstool Ocean Floor
Vintage Teapot Chimes
Upholstered with Vintage Quilt
shipping extra
call for shipping information
possible delivery on the east coast
Florida to North Carolina
Undersea Garden
shipping extra
call or e-mail for pricing to your area
Vintage Teapot Chime with pink accent
shipping included
Vintage Teapot Chime Green Water Pitcher Red Teapot
Vintage Teapot Chime with purple accent
shipping included
Water Pitcher with green and yellow accent
shipping included
Teapot with red accent
shipping included
Creamer Chime Water Pitcher Antique Spool Cabinet
Creamer Chime with blue accent
Water Pitcher
shipping included
Williamantic Spool Cabinet
shipping extra

Cross stitch Round Footstool Repro Spool Cabinet
Framed Cross Stitch
$59.00 shipping included
Antique Quilted Footstool
shipping extra
call or e-mail for price to your area
Reproduction Spool Cabinet
shipping extra
call or e-mail for price to your area
some delivery between Florida and North Carolina
Half Moon Stool Kid's Rocker Small Quilted Stool
Half Moon Stool
Kid's Rocker
Small Quilted Stool

E-mail any questions to rpreserved or use Paypal to purchase these items.

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