Kingfisher Variety

Growing Bamboo, Herbs, & Cracker Roses
in Ocala & Gainesville Fl.

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Clump Bamboo
Makes excellent hedges for privacy.

Green Hedge Bamboo       (Bambusa multiplex)

Grows from 15-25 ft. depending on conditions, with a diameter of 1 ? in. Most clump bamboo is cold-hardy to 10 degrees F.
Plant Bamboo in sun or partial shade. Each node bears a large number of branches down to the culm base, making a thick hedge. Hardiest of bambusa. Makes a nice full potted accent plant for around the pool or spa, or a visual screen in the landscape.

Alphonse Karr Bamboo(Bambusa multilex)


Alphonse Karr can grow 25-40 ft tall with 1/1/2 to 3 inch width culm. This beautiful bright yellow bamboo is marked with variegated green streaks that randomly appear up and down the culm. Use this striking vareigation as a Specimen plant with placement as a focal point or plant it as a hedge on the east or west side when the sunlight can glow behind and backlight it.
Hardy to 10 degrees F.    Zone 8-10.     Fantastic Coloring
Lucia's hint,
I call this bamboo with its fantastic green and yellow coloring 'John Deere' Bamboo!

Kirk's Hint,
All hedge bamboo have lots of growth on the lower nodes therefore makes good thick hedges,
or clip away all lower leaves and branches to expose the culms. We especially prune the lower canes of Alphonse Karr to expose the beautiful green and yellow canes.

Golden Goddess Bambo (Bambusa multiplex, Golden Goddess

Golden Goddess' bamboo is a dwarf form similar to Fernleaf Bamboo but with larger leaves. Width of culm is from 1/2 to one inch and tend to be golden. Chinese Goddess does best in full sun. Its spreading clump form makes a good hedge. Plant 5 or more feet apart. Especially good for a screen fencing on a small lot or in a tight space. Chinese gardeners prize this golden stalked, fern- leaf foliage bamboo in bonsai gardens. Hardy to 20 degrees F. Zones 7-10.

Silverstripe Bambusa multiplex "silverstripe"

Silver stripe is a popular clump bamboo particularily for its white and green leaf varigation on the new growth. So as the clump grows in girth, all the new growth on the outside of the clump will have a light glow. Silverstipe is a fast growing bamboo and is excellent for hedge or screening. Kirk thinks it grows most quickly.

Sometimes such a vigorous plant is best kept trimmed in a pot where its attractive striped leaves can be appreciated.

Buddah Belly Bambusa Tuldoides Ventricosa

Buddah can grow up to 50 ft. tall and each culm can get in excess of 2 1/2 inches wide. It is very popular in Gainesville as it is a prized and highly desireable large diameter Bamboo that is cold-hardy. 50 ft tall is about the same as an oak pine tree.

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