You can plant large palm trees any time of the year in Ocala-Gainesville area of North Marion County.
Planting Clumping Bamboo makes a wonderful live fence or hedge around your property.
Growing your own culinary herbs can spice up your home made meals or TV dinners!
Need color in you garden besides green? Plant flowering perennials and attract butterflies to your garden. Cracker Roses also known as Antique or Heirloom Roses are here.
Send Flowering E-Cards with links to card companies.
Are you local to Ocala-Gainesville?
Perhaps you will be driving to Gainesville for a Gator's game, or a Doctor's appointment at the V.A.,
Maybe you are in Ocala for a horse show or to see a concert at Silver Springs Attraction or merely visiting friends or family.
We will email you the latest list of plants available that interests you.
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