Robyn's Handmade patterns for bears,necktie chairs, purses and recycled silverware into wind chimes.

R Preserved

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Bears for Sale

Bears for Sale
Available at Hunter's Woodcraft 'From the Old Oak School'
20030 N US Highway 441 in McIntosh, Fl. Map
Open Friday & Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 12noon-5pm
Shipping available.
Remember, If you like these,
Robyn will make one with your own linens or family clothing.
Click any Bear to enlarge pictue.

medium bear medium bear medium bear
hand embroidery
20" bear
using dresser scarves
in assorted pastel colors

vintage linens
flower basket
on back of head.
roses on front of head.
circa 1930's

small bear small bear small bear
hand embroidery
using table cloths,dresser scarves
in reds and blacks
vintage linens
containing buttonhole stitches
butterflies and assorted flowers
$48.00 shipping included
grandmas flower garden bear tapestry quilt bear More Bears Coming Soon
Grandma's Flower Garden quilt circa 1930
"17 bear
$49.00 shipping included
Tapestry quilt Circa 1940
"21 bear
$59.00 shipping included
More bears coming soon

E-mail any questions to rpreserved or use Paypal to purchase these bears.

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