Links Page
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R Preserved--Preserving Memories.
Etsy This is a great site to find handcrafted items. Art ,antiques and now all sorts of things that are handcrafted items by myself and my sister.
R on Etsy by Robyn Jarrell This is another place to shop for things that I have made and also vintage things from our personal collection. Looking for something special e-mail me about your wishes.
My Sister's Paper Sculptures on Etsy Molly teaches high school art. She is a master at many things .Some of her favorites are pottery and paper .Check these out!!
Grand Bazaar Fabrics This online store sell lots of Amy Butler fabric,clothing patterns and items for the young and young at heart.
Flamingo Island Designs
This on line shop carries a lot of landscape patterns and material. Many unique Florida pieces and also clothing patterns for the use of fun quilting fabrics.
Auntie Ju's Quilt Shoppe
This online store carries wool kits ,hand dyed wool ,punched kits and many other fun items for your country home .
The Cotton Quilt
This shop both online and stationary carries reproduction 30's fabric and kits for double wedding ring quilt .
Kingfishervariety Nursery-specializes in Bamboo & Herbs This is a Florida nursery that carries a large variety of palms and bamboo and lots of fresh garden herbs.Pretty as a picture. Ocala Realtor-for all your property needs